Sunday, 24 January 2010

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Weekend Flying 23 -24 January 2010

Lighter winds and reasonable weather forecasted for the weekend. Both days are available for flyers, please let me know if you can attend.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Sunday 10th January 2010 Onwards

Cold, windy and too much snow. Looking unlikely until the temperature rises and the wind drops.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Monday 4th January 2010

First flight of the year. Knowing that it wasn't a very practical day for training and thinking that I might not be able to get to the site, I went out to try and get some aerial shots of the snow. I had to walk from the bottom landing field at Wether Fell in knee deep snow. Having taken off half way up the hill, I was catapulted skywards in a strong (wave) lift to about 1100' above the top. The view was stunning, Wether Fell being completly plastered in snow. After about 40 mins with an increasing wind and chilled face, it was time to descend.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Sunday 3rd January 2010

Today (Saturday)is quite windy with snow showers forecast. Another possiblity tomorrow.  Let me know if you can come out and play in the snow.