Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Get booked in for training over Christmas

The weather looks poor leading up to Christmas. I'll be available to teach from 27th Dec to 31st Jan. Thereafter, you can book in from 2nd Jan 2013 onwards. It's a great time to get out and shed those festive excesses. Have a great Christmas everyone!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Today and Sunday

Today after dodging rain and snow showers we had a good day one. There's plenty of space tomorrow for flyers....get booked in.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Back from India and the Himalayas

Just back from guiding in Bir, India. I was there for 15 days, it was flyable every day with flights up to 100km, 4+ hours or longer if you wanted. Bir is one of the world's premier paragliding sites, there's something for everyone from friendly ridges to full-on Himalayan mountain flying.

If you're wanting to get out training, please get yourself booked-in online.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

This weekend might be OK ;-)

There are a couple of places left on Saturday for first day students and for flyers on Sunday.

Sunday, 19 August 2012


On Wednesday 22nd August, Dean Crosby and Steve Nash will set off on a hike and fly adventure across the Pyrenees. We will start from Hendaye in France and will either travel on foot or underneath their paragliders to Cadaques on Spain’s Mediterranean coast; totally unsupported, bivving out along the way.  Although we are not following any set route, it will be very similar to the well-known GR11 route that traverses this range of mountains. We will be driven only by the weather in an attempt to maximise the flying opportunities.
We will both be bloging at and can be followed live on -  

We will also be tweeting on the following:
twitter - @Steve_Gnasher
twitter – @MrEdge

Inline images 1

Inline images 2

Friday, 10 August 2012

First flight

We've had some good training the past 3 days. The above picture is of a day one student taking his first flight.

Best regards Dean

Monday, 6 August 2012

Weather looking better from Wednesday 8th

The weather looks promising from Wednesday onwards. Flyers make sure you book-in Wednesday and Friday. There's a Day One group on Thursday which is already full, but do book-in as a cancellation on the day is possible.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Whernside with Ingleborough in the distance.

Picture is of Steve Nash on the Ibex 2 15m yesterday morning before the Cu Nims arrived.

Best regards Dean

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Just for a Change....

Might be some reasonable weather next week (from Tuesday onwards). Make sure you get booked-in!

Yesterday on Park Fell

Well done to Robin Talbdt for passing his CP. It was great flying the whole ridge with recently qualified CP Gerald.

Best regards Dean

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Day one first flight

Surrounded by large showers we had a good day with 4 day one students completing their first flights.

Best regards Dean

Monday, 11 June 2012

I'm planning a First Day for this Wednesday.

I have spaces for a first day this Wednesday 13th June. Let me know if you can attend.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

We had a productive day and managed to stay dry

I've put an extra first day for this Wenesday. If you have another booking you will have to cancel it then book in for this Wenesday 13th June. if I get enough takers it will go ahead, don't forget to check the Daily Briefing at 0815. Regards Dean 

Monday, 14 May 2012

Amazing Flights on the Nova Mentor 2 & Ion 2

257km FAI triangle with Mentor2, 223km FAI triangle with Ion2 (14.05.2012)

Das 257km FAI Dreieck von Johann Tockner

Several Nova-pilots made the most of the great weather on Thursday and Friday last week and to complete some huge flights. 

Johann Tockner flew a 257km FAI triangle with his Mentor 2, and beat the existing record for EN-B gliders (Robert Muggli, Mentor 2) by 17 kilometres.

But even without Johann Tockners flight, the record would have been broken. Because there were three more Mentor2 pilots who flew more than 240km:
Michael Pohl (246km FAI), Wolfgang Bernhard (245km FAI), and Johann Kronberger (245km FAI)

Mario Mayer (222km FAI) exceeds the 200km FAI mark as well quite easily. This year only Mentor2 pilots were able to fly FAI triangles with more than 200km in the standard-class. (EN-A and EN-B) 

Together with Mauro Pianaro (213km, Factor2) and Raul Moras (243km, Triton) there were seven  pilots who flew more than 200km FAI-triangles on Thursday. 

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Saturday 7th April

A group of five students on Day 1 all achieved good flights.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Lots of flyable days in the Dales, too many to mention

This is what the new Ion 2 is capable of.......

Ion 2 Hundred Challenge (26.03.2012)

Michi Müller on a XC flight last season.

Saturday was the first good XC day this year. In Switzerland and France many pilots flew beyond the 100 kilometer mark.

Michi Müller managed to complete the furthest flight: With his Ion 2 he did a 186km FAI triangle, which is also the biggest FAI triangle 2012. (see the flight here)

Michi might be very pleased, that he left all the high end competition gliders clearly behind him. 

He might however be a little bit annoyed, that he missed the 200km FAI triangle by just a little bit more than 13 kilometres. Thereby he also missed the 2000 Euro prize money of the Ion 2 Hundred Challenge.

But we are quite sure that it won't take long, until he adds those 13 kilometres. 

Until then we'd like to congratulate to this flight, which shows impressively, what is possible with the Ion2.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

One Stop Weather Page

Great new weather site for flying in the North.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Late afternoon on a new Dales site, Kilnsey

At the end of the day the wind dropped, allowing me to try a new Dales Club site. Kilnsey is a small low site suitable for experienced pilots. The pic. is looking back at the ridge with Windbank in the background.

Regards Dean
tel: 07793 678133

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Today at Tow

Regards Dean
tel: 07793 678133

Dales Club Night Thursday 2nd Feb.

Club Night - History of the DHPC 2nd Feb
Noel is giving a talk on the History of the Dales Club at the Dyneley Arms on next Thursday, 2nd February. This will be a really entertaining evening as Noel has a history in Hang Gliding and Paragliding pretty well going back to the beginning of the sport. Prominent member of the Club more or less from the start, Chairman of the Club for many years, Chairman of the BHPA for 3 years, father of Rob, the World Champion Hang Glider pilot and subsequently World Champion Paraglider pilot. Noel knows a lot and it will be a great evening. Don't miss it!!!  8pm at the Dyneley Arms near Otley.

All Active Edge students can come along. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Dolomites 2011 FULLHD

Nice film showing the beauty of Paragliding in an exceptional environment.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Robin on his way to his EP 17-01-12

Regards Dean
tel: 07793 678133


We are glad to introduce our new EN-B low-level glider, the Ion 2. From a technical perspective, the wing is the "little brother" of our Mentor 2. The Ion 2s strengths are similar: Easily usable performance with a high level of safety and with a nice handling behaviour.

The Mentor 2 once and for all showed the performance potential within the High-Level EN-B class. We developed the Ion 2 to reach the same in the Low-Level EN-B class!

Compared to Ion 1 the Ion 2 offers a completely new performance level. We could also improve the handling characteristics: The very stable wing offers a handling behaviour, which has nothing in common with a sluggish "low-level" flying feeling.

For further description, please have a look here.

All flight tests (from XXS to L) have been passed, as well as the load tests. The official certification will be available in the following days.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Saturday 14th January

I'm available to teach Day 2 onwards. Let me know by email if you can attend.

Regards Dean
tel: 07793 678133